Monday, November 8, 2010

Piano Lessons

Dear Mom and everybody,
Oh man I love those Searle boys. My comps probably know more about how awesome Austin Searle is than they know about any of my other friends. Those boys always know how to make you laugh and smile no matter how you are feeling.
First off for Christmas. If you could send me the red book of hymn arrangements that I have. I can't remember who they are by, but I think his first name is David. Speaking of David. If you wouldn't mind sending the David Lanz book down that Vicki gave me a few years ago. And then the Jon Schmidt book that has the song All of Me in it. I learned that song right before I left, but I can only remember the first half of it to the great disappointment of many people down here. I haven't gotten the Halloween package yet because we are all going to the office this week for our interviews with president. I go on Thursday so I will be able to get the package then. I guess I can always find uses for new socks:) The ones I have now are holding up fine, but they have only been through two months of Honduras so far lol:) A sweater would be nice. It's been getting kindof cold the past week at nights and a sweater would be great:) Oh and could you let me know how much money I have in my account? That's all I can think of for Christmas right now:)
First, speaking of the piano music and everything. It was awesome. So I was getting frustrated with my comp because he kept making me feel like I should know everything in Spanish that instant and that if I didn't get it right away it was because I didn't have faith. And I shouldn't get frustrated because the language is easy. Oh man I was frustrated. But then he wanted me to teach him how to play the piano...Oh that made me happy. I realized I had two choices when I said yes. I could play the couple of yanni songs that I know and so that learning the piano was easy and blah blah blah, or I could try to be the bigger man and smile and help him along with love. Oh decisions. I finally decided to smile and help him along with love. And when he got frustrated with learning the piano I would tell him to take a five minute break and get a drink. He took the advice and then he started being a lot more patcient with my Spanish. It feels so much better than just getting revenge:)
The next story is about this guy who is about dad's age and his family. The family is him his wife and his two daughters. They have been teaching this family since before I got here. but in the time with my last comp we baptised the Dad (Calixto) and his two daughters, but his wife just doesn't want to break tradition. It was so cute yesterday. We were just talking with him when his wife wasn't there and we asked if we could pray before we leave. He said of course then we asked if there was anything specific we should mention in our prayer. He asked that would could ask a blessing that his wife could go to church. It was the biggest act of love I have seen here. The family here isn't very important so it was great to see a guy who really wanted to be with his family forever through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
That's all for this week.
Elder Neiswender

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