Dear Mom, and everyone else,
Well, things are getting better, then they get worse, then they get better, then they get worse...aka...We have an awsome lesson where we both use each other and support each others ideas and teachings and have an awesome spirit, then he takes us to the cooks house and has the cooks daughter apply some random cream on his face, for about fifteen minutes. Luckily, President Veirs was at our zone meeting the next day, so I pulled him aside and talked to him. I love that man, he has a way of inpiring patcience that I didn't think possible. Then the next day, we have another awesome, the guy understood everything and accepted baptism right there in the first visit, then the next day we go back to the cooks house in the early evening, and while we eat, the members put on Rambo 4!!!! I eat fast so we can split, but Marcia eats nice and slow and laughs at everytime somebody gets killed saying it's good learn about that kind genecide kind of stuff that really happens. The real kicker about it all, nobody understood any of the words in the movie but me, they were all just watching it to see different ways that Rambo could kill a man and how much blood the producers could fit in. And it wasn't just the adults that watched with their undevided attention, it was the kids that were 6 years old and younger! And the people here wonder why there are so many gangs and murders in this country.
The whole time they had the movie playing, I just sat there looking at the floor thinking about how great my parents had raised me. I'm 19 (holy crap almost 20) and I'm pretty sure that my mom and dad would still be mad at me for seeing movies like that. There were always times back home when I was younger, that I would think to myself, "Oh I'm old and mature enough to see this movie or go to this party or do this thing or that thing." Then I would get mad when mom would say no because I wasn't old enough. I can't remember who it was that gave these next two quotes, but the first one helped me avoid bad movies and situations when friends would invite me to suchthings. I think it was Elder Nelson, who when his kids or grand kids wanted to take him to see a certain questionable movie, his reply to them as their father or grandfather was, "No, I don't think that I am mature enough to see that movie":) And then in this conference somebody gave a talk about how the Lord knows what he wants us to be and that is why he cuts us down, so that we can grow better. So I quote the words of that inspired messege of God. Mom, Dad, "Thanks for loving me enough to cut me down." I know I didn't always make it easy, but I thanks you for putting up with me and always being there to help me. The family here in Honduras is of little more importance than financial support. I consider myself extremely blessed to have been sent to a family with loving parents such as you. Thanks again for everything. I love you Mom and Dad.
And I love the rest of you too everyone. All of you have helped me become who I am today, and in no way can I deny it. The other day I tried making a list of all the people that have helped me for the better, and I just didn't have room on the paper for all the names. I love you all and thank you all for being wonderful parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephew, cousins, leaders, and friends.
Elder Neiswender
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