Dear Mom and everyone else,
Things are going well down here. Not a whole heck of a lot has happened the past week. Me and my comp and another two baptisms. It was awesome because they were baptised by their family members.
Yes I did get to watch all of conference and in English too!!! It was great to be able to hear all that they had to say and understand it because all of the meetings that we have down here are in Spanish so I can't quite understand everything they are saying. Just the basics of what they are talking about.
I'm going to take a wild shot in the dark and say thay BYU isn't going to be going to the Las Vegas Bowl this year...Just a wild guess:) Maybe I should come back because they seemed to do pretty good when I was there;) Oh well maybe a miracle will happen and we will beat the ranked Utah Utes and TCU.
Quick question to Dad. They redid the IMAX screen late last April. So are they replacing it again? thats wierd of them lol. I thought I saw Adam in that MTC choir but I wasn't sure because I thought that he had left the MTC already. Chris was in the Guatamala MTC so he didn't get the chance to sing in the choir but I don't know how excited he would have been to sing in another choir:)
Thanks for forewarding the emails from Ryan and Grant to me. it was good to hear about them.
A quick note to Elder Ryan Horne...I'm in Honduras and Elder Chris Horne is in Guatamala:)
Could you send me a list of all the people you are sending my emails to and I will tell you if there are any others that would be interested? Thanks:)
Ok so time for the funny yet really painful story. Between the Saturday morning and afternoon session of conference me and another Elder were sent to get food for everybody. As we walked out of the church I saw what thought I would never see in Honduras. A real basketball hoop. I couldn't resist so I checked to make sure it was just me and the other missionary, then got a nice running start and jumped to see if I could still touch the rim. I GOT IT. I can still touch the rim! But oh man I haven't jumped like that since the first week in the MTC! I landed...lost my balance and fell down. At first I didn't think anything was wrong. My wrist hurt a little bit but not much. So we went through the day and by the end of priesthood session my hand hurt so freaking bad. I figured "great I think I sprained my hand" First thought was to get home and put ice on it...One problem with that is that ice doesn't stay frozen very long here! So thank you mom for making me take that bottle of Ibeprofen with me. It helped a little bit. It was still the longest night so far because no matter where I put my wrist the entire night, it would start hurting five minutes later. Oh yeah and we didn't have anything to wrap it in either. So I had to wait till the zone nurse got to conference Sunday after the first session to get it wrapped up. Luckily it is only just sprained. She wrapped it up nice and tight and after a few minutes my fingers started turning purple. She said it was just cause I was cold (Air conditioning in the Church:)) She finally decided it was too tight when I told her I couldn't feel my thumb anymore. lol. But now it's wrapped up nice and not cutting off the circulation:)
well that's all for this week:) I'll write more next week.
Elder Travis Neiswender